Saturday, April 4, 2009

Little Fingers Stitch Gratitude and Love

During the past few weeks, Ive been honored to work on a Quilt of Valor with Mrs. Hansen's 2nd grade at Walnut Community School.  The eleven kids first drew pictures on fabric and colored them in with crayons.  I took the blocks home, set them in patriotic fabric and quilted all but their blocks.  I returned to the class yesterday so they could each "quilt" or tack their own block.  We had a great time!  I am hoping to take the quilt to Brooks Army Medical Hospital this spring.  It will be given to a wounded service person recovering there.  I must say that this quilt will be most appropriate for a Navy person.  The kids all know that my son is in the Navy, so there are several pictures of "Navy School"s on it!   The kids were so cooperative and fun.  I really enjoyed myself with this project.  More that that, I saw how the kids, at seven or eight years old, already have a sense of community and service.  Being President of the Community Club, I have conversed with the 2nd and 3rd grade teachers to help the kids develop this sense of community and pride by doing some service projects in town this summer.  It looks like the kids will be helping to maintain 3 memorial rock gardens at Peace Haven Retirement Home, help with some clean up projects in town and I think I will use them at the next blood drive to serve food to the donors.  Here in Walnut, it seems we have a lack of volunteerism, maybe we can boost that!


Luann said...

What a great project! You are always coming up with something new...very cool!

Tina said...

you are awesome!

Kathy said...

Thanks you guys....Its keep busy or go crazy! LOL!

Update on our Beloved Mrs. Gray

  Those of you who have been with WIFCaP from the beginning in 2011 and most of the following years of our TNR journey, know and love Mrs. G...