Friday, July 17, 2009

Just a Hang'in

The Kitties have been really funny lately! SO maybe hanging a produce basket from the ceiling wasnt such a great idea after all. Here is Ricky "hanging" from it. Possum fell asleep over the chair arm and hung there for an hour!
Seriously, an hour!

Here, Ricky is just a hangin' on the other chair..

Lucy has just been being her usual beautiful self, so I highlighted her in my header pic. Hope everyone is having great day.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Not a whole lot going on around here.
We are just sort of hanging today...our mom says she has so much to blog about, but no time to do it.
We are just a little upset that we cant go outside anymore, so we get into just as much trouble as we can. We spend a LOT of time looking out the door and trying to get mom's attention by eating pins (pretending just to get her dander up!) and crawling in spaces not intended for us.
She promises to add a new blog soon. She said she realizes she hasn't even posted pics of their San Francisco trip or her visit with nephew's and niece yet! She is behind!
In the meantime, you get to see us!

Update on our Beloved Mrs. Gray

  Those of you who have been with WIFCaP from the beginning in 2011 and most of the following years of our TNR journey, know and love Mrs. G...