Lucy Lamenting the Weather!
Nothing too new to post, just that winter has decided to stay in rural Iowa for eternity! I'm not kidding. Its cold and snowing outside today. We have winds up to 40 mph and the tree in my neighbors front yard is "creaking". Walnut is famous for losing its old trees on windy days, the only problem is, my house is in the way!On the plus side, I see that my lilac bushes are budding, my tulips and daffodils are popping thru the ground and the nubs to some of my peony bushes are showing..this is, I guess, proof that winter will indeed end.
Larry is supposed to fly out today. We are waiting to see if flights get cancelled or not. I dont think the snow will stop him, but the wind might. We have until 1pm before we have to leave for the airport!
Jeff and silly Kaden taken two weeks ago at Lauren's...