There is a donation savings account started for Rich and Susan Prince at Rolling Hills Bank in Walnut this point, the only way to help is to give them a shoulder to cry on, or donate. They are currently in a motel room, so food and clothing would be a storage problem. I personally thank anyone and everyone that will pray for them. Pray for direction and comfort.
Its amazing to me how a small community comes together during times like this. Total strangers have given money to help, and many, many are offering assistance in any form. When the trees began burning and they had to come down, people just appeared with tractors and equipment to get the job done.
An interesting bit of information: This upturned block, is located within the foundation of the house, under where the front porch was...this is the block where my kitty, Possum was trapped for days...only a few weeks old, she could not get out and we found her right there! What a memory! We had to saw apart the porch and remove foundation blocks to get to this piece of concrete! Why it was inside the foundation, under the porch , in the corner, upturned, I will never know! A trap waiting for a small kitty to fall in! I will ask if I can have that block!